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  3. Play Room at PGIMER

Nanhi Jaan is managing the playroom in the Advanced Pediatric Centre (APC) at PGIMER. The room is a creative and colourful getaway for children admitted in the wards, as they lend an ear to story-telling sessions by volunteers, read from the well-stocked library, play indoor games, and create art works. A television and DVD has been installed to show children movies and keep their minds away from the daily dose of treatment. 

Research has proven that a positive atmosphere helps the pateints in any hospital to recover much faster and better. Ever since we have been managing the playroom – where the admitted children come everyday to listen to stories, paint, read, watch cartoon movies, play games – the hospitalisation time has reduced as recovery is happening much faster due to the positive mind-set as a result of the play room activities .

The playroom gives the little ones an opportunity to forget their pain for sometime, as also get medical assistance in a much more positive atmosphere.

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